ASI Surf Wise Courses
ASI Surf Wise offers a unique modularised program to allow you to progress at your own pace to maximise your success.
Each level identifies different surfing skills and knowledge, based on the surfing knowledge and manoeuvres.
Each level builds on the previous level, allowing you to progress and master the skills of surfing.
Surf Wise courses are delivered by ASI Accredited Surf Schools
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Level 1 Surf Safety & Awareness
This course is general introduction on how to stay safe whilst swimming at surf locations. It covers surf awareness and self-rescue skills, as well as planning activities and identifying a range of surf environment dangers.
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8 sessions (1- 2 hrs each session) + practice
20-40 hours in total (depending on personal sports ability and previous ocean experience).
Locations and Conditions
Beach break with sand bottom
Surf 1 ½ ft
Free from rips and hazards
Swim 50 metres.
Tread water for 5 minutes
Float for 5 minutes
Beginner softboard, soft fins & leash
ASI Surf Safety & Awareness Manual and Workbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Surf Safety and Awareness Participation Certificate
Level 2 Beginner Surfer
This is the first step in learning to surf.
Learn how to identify surfing hazards, types of waves, choose a suitable beginner surfing location, choosing a beginner board, surf clothing, how to safely enter the water, negotiate small waves, paddle board in trim, wipe and dismount safely and ride broken waves straight into shore.
5 sessions (1- 2 hrs each session) + practice
It will take approximately 10-20 hours of additional practice to learn these skills.
Locations and Conditions
Gentle breaking waves of white water less than 1 ½ feet (½ metre)
Sandy beach and ocean floor with even gradient (no rocks or reef)
Free from rocks
Free from rips and currents
Water depth of chest deep or less
No dumping shore break
Wind less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Swim 50 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Beginner softboard with soft fins
Leg-rope (leash)
ASI Learn to Surf for Beginners manual
ASI Learn to Surf for Level 3 Beginners student workbook or logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Level 2 Beginner Surfer Participation Certificate
Level 3 Beginner Surfer
At this level, the following new skills and knowledge are introduced. Learn how to trim on broken or green waves, perform small turns and correct surfing etiquette including the drop in rule.
5 sessions (1- 2 hrs each session) + practice
Plus Practice: From Level 2 Beginner Surfer, an additional 10-20 hours practice to acquire Level 3 Beginner surfer skills.
Locations and Conditions
Gentle breaking waves of white water less than 1 ½ feet (½ metre)
Sandy beach and ocean floor with even gradient (no rocks or reef)
Free from rocks
Free from rips and currents
Water depth of chest deep or less
No dumping shore break
Wind less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Swim 50 metres
Completed Surf Wise Level 2 Beginner Surfer
Beginner softboard with soft fin
Leg-rope (leash)
ASI Learn to Surf for Beginners manual
ASI Learn to Surf for Level 3 Beginners student workbook or logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Level 3 Beginner Surfer Participation Certificate.
Level 4 Intermediate Surfer
At this level you start to make the transition from beginner surfer and start surfing on green waves out the back. The following new skills and knowledge are introduced.
How to assess surfing conditions
How to read waves
Selecting suitable locations for the intermediate surfer
Negotiating waves using the duck dive
Choosing correct waves
The take-off, turning
Ways to get off the wave safely
Perform bottom and top turns on your forehand and link manoeuvres.
8 sessions (1-2 hrs each session)
Plus practice. It will take 250-500 hours of additional practice to learn these skills.
Swim 200 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Have the knowledge and skills at Level 3 Beginner Surfer level
Locations and Conditions
Beach break
Peeling (spilling) waves when waves are 3 ft (1 metre)
Free from rocks (submerged or otherwise)
Rips may present
Wind speed less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Absence of a dumping shore break
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Beginner softboard with soft fins
Leg-rope (leash)
ASI Learn to Surf for Intermediate Level manual
ASI Surf Wise Level 4 Learn to Surf Intermediate Level Student Workbook
ASI Surf Wise Level 4 Learn to Surf Intermediate Level Logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Level 4 Intermediate Surfer Participation Certificate
Level 5 Intermediate Surfer
At this level, the following new skills and knowledge are introduced.
perform bottom turns and top turns on backhand
demonstrate control
link forehand and backhand surfing manoeuvres
understand how surfing equipment affects performance.
start surfing on a fibreglass short or long board
8 sessions (1-2 hrs each session)
Plus Practice: From Level 4 Intermediate Surfer, an additional 250-500 hours practice to acquire Level 5 Intermediate surfer skills.
Swim 200 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Have the knowledge and skills at ASI Level 4 Intermediate Surfer Level
Locations and Conditions
Beach break
Peeling (spilling) waves when waves are 3 ft (1 metre)
Free from rocks (submerged or otherwise)
Rips may present
Wind speed less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Absence of a dumping shore break
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Beginner soft surfboard, with soft fins and leg-rope (leash)
Fibreglass surfboard and leg-rope (leash)
ASI Learn to Surf for Intermediate Level manual
ASI Surf Wise Level 4 & 5 Learn to Surf Intermediate Level Student Workbook
ASI Surf Wise Level 4 & 5 Learn to Surf Intermediate Level Logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Level 5 Intermediate Surfer Participation Certificate
ASI Level 6 Intermediate Surfer
At this level, the following new skills and knowledge are introduced.
Learn how to:
Perform a cut-back and link all intermediate level manoeuvres on forehand and backhand.
8 sessions (1-2 hrs each session) + practice
Plus practice: From Level 5 Intermediate Surfer, it takes approximately 250-500 hours practice to acquire Level 6 Intermediate surfer skills.
To progress from Beginner (Level 3 Surfer) and become a Level 6 Intermediate Surfer, it takes approximately 750-1500 hours practice in total.
Swim 200 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Have completed the ASI Level 5 Intermediate Surfer Level
Locations and Conditions
Beach break
Peeling (spilling) waves when waves are 3 ft (1 metre)
Free from rocks (submerged or otherwise)
Rips may present
Wind speed less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Absence of a dumping shore break
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Fibreglass surfboard and leg-rope (leash)
ASI Learn to Surf for Intermediate Level manual
ASI Surf Wise Level 4, 5 & 6 Learn to Surf Intermediate Level Student Workbook
ASI Surf Wise Level 4, 5 & 6 Learn to Surf Intermediate Level Logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Intermediate Surfer Level 6 Participation Certificate.
ASI Level 7 Advanced Surfer
At this level, the following new skills and knowledge are introduced.
Predict surfing conditions based on land formations, tides and weather
identify surfing hazards
select suitable advanced level surfing location
negotiate waves
types of take-offs
techniques to control the board and set up for manoeuvres.
Learn how to perform a fade, stall, re-entry, roundhouse cutback & snap (on forehand & backhand)
able to link manoeuvres with some speed and power.
8 sessions (1-2 hrs each session) + practice
Plus Practice: From Level 6 Intermediate Surfer, an additional 220 - 450 hours practice to acquire Level 7 Advanced level surfer skills.
Swim 200 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Have the knowledge and skills at the ASI Level 6 Intermediate Surfer
Locations and Conditions
Beach break, point break
Wave height above 3ft (1 metre) –up to 6ft (3 metres)
Open face peeling waves
peaking left or right
Rips present
Wind speed less than 35 kilometres per hour (approx. 20 miles per hour)
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Fibreglass surfboard and leg-rope (leash)
ASI Learn to Surf for Advanced Level manual
ASI Surf Wise Level 7 Learn to Surf Advanced Level Student Workbook
ASI Surf Wise Level 7 Learn to Surf Advanced Level Logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Advanced Surfer Level 7 Participation Certificate.
ASI Level 8 Advanced Surfer
At this level, the following new skills and knowledge are introduced.
Identify the specifications to customise surfboards to suit your style and prevailing surf conditions and perform vertical re-entry (forehand & backhand), floater (forehand & backhand) and link manoeuvres with some speed and power
8 sessions (1-2 hrs each session) + practice
Plus Practice: From Level 7 Advanced Surfer, an additional 220 - 450 hours practice to acquire Level 8 Advanced level surfer skills.
Locations and Conditions
Beach break, point break
Wave height above 3ft (1 metre) –up to 6ft (3 metres)
Open face peeling waves
peaking left or right
Rips present
Wind speed less than 35 kilometres per hour (approx. 20 miles per hour)
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Swim 200 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Have the knowledge and skills at the ASI Level 7 Advanced Surfer Level
Fibreglass surfboard and leg-rope (leash)
ASI Learn to Surf for Advanced Level manual
ASI Surf Wise Level 8 Learn to Surf Advanced Level Student Workbook
ASI Surf Wise Level 8 Learn to Surf Advanced Level Logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Advanced Surfer Level 8 Participation Certificate.
ASI Level 9 Advanced Surfer
At this level, the following new skills and knowledge are introduced.
perform tube rides, backdoor tube rides and link manoeuvres with speed and power.
Describe how to perform a pigdog, layback, 360 degree and aerial.
8 sessions (1-2 hrs each session) + practice
Plus Practice: From Level 8 Advanced Surfer, an additional 220 - 450 hours practice to acquire Level 9 Advanced level surfer skills.
Locations and Conditions
Beach break, point break, reef break, river mouth break
Wave height above 3ft (1 metre) –up to 6ft (3 metres)
Open face peeling waves
peaking left or right
Rips present
Wind speed less than 35 kilometres per hour (approx. 20 miles per hour)
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Swim 200 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Have the knowledge and skills at the ASI Level 8 Advanced Surfer Level
Fibreglass surfboard and leg-rope (leash)
Reef booties (if surfing over reef)
ASI Learn to Surf for Advanced Level manual
ASI Surf Wise Level 9 Learn to Surf Advanced Level Student Workbook
ASI Surf Wise Level 9 Learn to Surf Advanced Level Logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Advanced Surfer Level 9 Participation Certificate.
Level 10 Elite-Advanced Surfer
At this level, the surfer is able to perform all Level 9 Advanced level surfing manoeuvres in 6ft plus surf, and is experience at surfing various 6ft plus surf breaks around the world.
Practice: surfing 6ft surf breaks around the world.
Locations and Conditions
Beach break, point break, reef break, river mouth break, bombora
Wave height above 6ft (3 metres)
Open face peeling waves
peaking left or right
Rips present
Wind speed less than 35 kilometres per hour (approx. 20 miles per hour)
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Have Level 9 Advanced Surfer skills and competence.
Fibreglass surfboard and leg-rope (leash)
Reef booties (if surfing over reef)
ASI Surf Wise Level 10 Learn to Surf Advanced Level Logbook
Certificate Issued
ASI Advanced Surfer Level 10 Participation Certificate.