Rescue Certificates
ASI Instructors are required to hold a water rescue certificate.
A Surf Rescue certificate is required for all ASI Instructors instructing in surf.
SUP Instructors can also submit a surf rescue certificate. Or a Flat water Rescue certificate can be provided by SUP instructors operating in inland waters or exposed coast waters without surf. SUP Downwinding requires a surf rescue certificate.
ASI offers SUP Rescue and Surf Rescue training courses (online and workshop).
Flat Water Rescue Information
Topics and Assessment Requirements
Flat Water Rescue courses must cover:
rescue techniques at inland waters or flat coastal ocean locations.
rescuing an unconscious patient using a double role and then prone paddling the client to shore.
A “timed” fitness - run, swim, prone paddle must also be included. At a minimum, ability to continuously swim 100 metres (325 ft), run 200 metres (650 ft), prone paddle 200 metres (650ft) within 10 minutes.
Swimming pool lifeguard rescue certificates are not acceptable.
Rescue courses that do not use a SUP board, surfboard or special rescue board to complete rescues are not acceptable.
The rescue certificate date must not be expired.
Certificates that are more than 2 years old are not accepted (even if the expiry date is longer).
Acceptable Flat Water Rescue Certificates
This page displays some training courses/certificates accepted by ASI.
ASI SUP Water Safety Rescue Award. (Workshop and online learning options)
Surf Rescue Information
A Surf Rescue certificate is required for all ASI Instructors: instructing in surf.
Topics and Assessment Requirements
Surf Rescue courses must cover:
rescue techniques in the surf at least 1 ½ ft.
rescuing an unconscious patient using a double role and then prone paddling the client to shore through the surf break.
A “timed” fitness - run, swim, prone paddle must also be included. At a minimum, ability to continuously swim 200 metres (650 ft), run 200 metres (650 ft), paddle or run 200 metres (650ft) within 10 minutes.
Note: Swimming pool lifeguard certificates are not acceptable.
The certificate date must not be expired. Certificates that are more than 2 years old are not accepted (even if the expiry date is longer).
Australia. certificate cannot be more than 1 year old.
ASI accepts surf rescue certificates from lifesaving and professional lifeguard training organisations.
Acceptable Surf Rescue Certificates
This page displays some training courses/certificates accepted by ASI.
ASI Surf Water Safety Rescue Award | Training Organisation: ASI
OSSCA (Ocean Safety Surf Coach Award) | Training Organisation: APOLA
Lifeguard Course | Training Organisation: Wollongong First Aid (NSW)
Surf Lifesaving Bronze Medallion / Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue) or Community Surf Lifesaving Certificate
Training Organisations:
Surf Lifesaving / Surf Lifesaving Victoria / Surf Lifesaving WA / Surf Lifesaving SA / Surf Lifesaving Tasmania
Gold Coast, Qld: Steve Sharpe E: Ph: 07 5576 0513
Surf Lifesaving Bronze Medallion | Training Organisation: Balawista Badung (Bali Surf Lifesaving). Contact ASI for more information.
Brevet National De Securitie Et De Sauvetage Aquatique | Training Organisation: Federation Francaise de Sauvetage et de Secourisme
RLSS National Vocational Beach Lifeguard Qualification (NVBLQ) | RLSS
Training Providers:
Ireland Various locations: Atlantic Coast Lifeguards
Portrush Nth Ireland. SUB6
RLSS Beach Lifeguard Award (includes first aid)
Ireland Various locations: Atlantic Coast Lifeguards
Portrush Nth Ireland. SUB6
Bagnino di Salvataggio Combined surf rescue/1st aid | Training Organisation: Società Nazionale di Salvamento
Combined surf rescue / first aid. Zambales Lifesaving Certificate | Training Organisation: Zambales Surf Lifesaving/ Philippines Coast Guard
First Aid Standard & Basic Life Support | Training Organisation: Philippine National Red Cross
Cursos de Nadador Salvador (includes first aid) | Training Organisation: ISN Marinha PT
Surf Water Safety Rescue Award | Training Organisation: ASI
Beach Lifeguard Course | Training Organisation: Lifeguarding NL
Waterhulpverlening | Training Organisation: Reddingsbrigade Nederlands
Standard Water Safety Rescuer Certificate | Training Organisation: Red Cross Society ROC
United Kingdom
SLSGB Surf Lifeguard SLSGB
SLSGB Surf Coach Rescue (includes first aid) | SLSGB
Training Providers:
England, Cornwall, Bude: Freewave Surfing Academy
Wales, Pembrokeshire: Pembrokeshire Surf School
RLSS National Vocational Beach Lifeguard Qualification (NVBLQ) (includes first aid) | RLSS
Training Providers:
England, Cornwall, Bude: Freewave Surfing Academy
Northern Ireland, Portrush: SUB6
Wales, Pembrokeshire: Pembrokeshire Surf School
United States
Lifeguard Training certificate | Training Organisation: American Red Cross
Open Water Lifeguard (1 Day Workshop) Certificate | Training Organisation: International Surf Lifesaving Association