Recreational Surfing Standards
Waves are unpredictable and can change daily. A location may have beginner surf locations one day and the next, the conditions could be for advanced level only.
The size of waves can also change with larger sets coming in and catching you unware !
Before going into the water, spend some time on the shore, watching the waves, the size and where they are breaking.
Surfing is not allowed between the “lifesaving flags” where swimmers are. Choose locations where your surfboard will not potentially hit another water users.
If doubt, don’t go out.
Beginner Level
Beginner level surfing locations are defined as surf no larger than 1 ½ ft.
The main hazard is the size of the surf. Beginners should only stay in surf 1 ½ ft.
Rips and currents are another major as they can carry you out to see. Stay away from rips and currents. Make sure you know how to recognise rips and currents, some beaches also have signs showing where the rips are. Rips and currents can change each day .
Recommended conditions are:
Gentle breaking waves of white water less than 1 ½ feet (½ metre)
Sandy beach and ocean floor with even gradient (no rocks or reef)
Free from rocks
Free from rips and currents
Water depth of chest deep or less
No dumping shore break
Wind less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Use Beginner soft surfboard, with soft fins and leg-rope (leash)
Intermediate level
Intermediate level surfing locations are defined as surf no larger than 3 ft. You will be going out the back and catching green waves.
The main hazard is other surfers and water users. As you are now going out the back and catching waves with other novices or highly experienced surfers. Always be aware of others in the water. Do not panic and throw you board is a surfer is surfing right at you. Stay still and they will ride around you.
Waves are also a hazard. Make sure you stay in surf up to 3 ft.
At this level, rips may be present, so beware of these. At this level, you can also learn to use rips to your advantage.
Recommended conditions are:
Beach break
Peeling (spilling) waves when waves are 3 ft (1 metre)
Free from rocks (submerged or otherwise)
Rips may present
Wind speed less than 20 kilometres per hour (approx. 12.5 miles per hour)
Absence of a dumping shore break
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Use fiberglass board. However use a soft beginners board until you become more confident and can surf with control.
Advanced Level
Advanced level surfing locations are defined as surf 3 ft to 6ft.
The main hazard is other surfers and water users. Always be aware of others in the water. Do not panic and throw you board is a surfer is surfing right at you. Stay still and they will ride around you. Learn how to ride around other water users.
Waves are also a hazard. Make sure you only go out in conditions within your ability.
Swimming skills are required. If your leg-rope (leash) breaks and you lose your surfboard, you may need to swim a long distance back to shore.
A higher level of fitness is required, as you may be paddling more to get out of the way of breaking waves, you could potentially be held under water by wave.
Recommended conditions are:
Beach break, reef break, river mouth break, point break, bombora
Wave height above 3ft (1 metre) –up to 6ft (3 metres)
Open face peeling waves
peaking left or right
Rips present
Wind speed less than 35 kilometres per hour (approx. 20 miles per hour)
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.