Code of Conduct for ASI Instructors
ASI is committed to maintaining and promoting excellence in coaching and instruction.
It is therefore expected that ASI Instructors, at all times, act in a manner which is professional, ethical and morally responsible and in no way compromises any individual with whom they have professional contact, irrespective of position, situation or condition in society.
Sport and outdoor recreation activities provide positive development for individuals, including physical, mental, personal, social and emotional development.
The ASI Coach can also contribute greatly to the development of individuals by acting professionally, in a caring manner and with full regard to the individual’s personal aspirations and capabilities.
This Code of Ethics and Conduct provides guidelines that are founded on honesty, veracity, confidentiality, justice, respect and autonomy.
They are intended to provide a clear guideline for ASI Instructors in discharging their professional duties.
Relationships with and Responsibilities to Clients
ASI Instructors may have privy to personal information. They must at all times:
Protect clients’ privacy and right to confidentiality.
Treat all information about clients as confidential.
Not divulge confidential information relating to an athlete or any other client.
Be aware of the storage and disposal of personal records in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
Personal Relationships
ASI Instructors shall not enter into personal relationships which may damage the establishment and maintenance of professional trust. ASI instructors must:
Make a commitment to provide quality service.
Show concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured.
Be a positive role model.
Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with persons under 18 years of age as words and actions are an example.
Avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with persons under 18 years of age wherever possible.
Respecting Client’s Rights
ASI Instructors must always promote and protect the dignity, privacy, autonomy, and safety of all people with whom they come in contact with.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealing with others.
Be professional in, and accept responsibility for, their actions.
Provide a safe environment for the conduct of the activity.
Where physical contact is necessary as part of the coaching process, ASI Instructors must ask for client consent first and if granted, avoid touching sensitive or inappropriate personal areas.
Professional Integrity
ASI Instructors must:
Accurately state their qualifications and experience. They may not provide false, misleading or deceptive advertising or promotion, or material that is vulgar or sensational.
Inform all clients of financial cost of any goods and services. Costs need to be fair and reasonable, reflecting the services provided. To save any confusion, agreements for financial payment should be agreed in advance and in writing.
ASI Instructors shall:
Not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, culture, impairment, language, age, gender, sexual preference, religion, political beliefs or status in society.
Refrain from any form of harassment or victimisation of others.
ASI Instructors shall:
Not encourage athletes and clients to violate the rules of the sport.
Encourage fair play and refrain from inappropriate behaviours.
Treat victory and defeat with due respect and in a dignified manner.
Accept responsibility for the conduct of athletes under their direction.
Not exert undue influence over an athlete in order to obtain a personal benefit.
Refrain from any behaviour that may bring themselves, their employer or ASI Accredited Schools into disrepute.
Not use their involvement with their employer or in the ASI Accredited School to promote personal beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are inconsistent with the ASI Instructor and Accredited School policies and practices.
Not smoke in the presence of athletes, clients or others whilst undertaking professional duties
Not promote alcohol and smoking in connection with the sport.
Refrain from public criticism of fellow members and any other persons in the sport.
Personal Abuse of Alcohol or Other Drugs
ASI Instructors should not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs when performing professional duties.
Professional Relationships and Responsibilities
ASI Instructors shall be loyal to their professional organisation (ASI) and fellow members of the profession and shall respect and uphold dignity.
ASI Instructors shall cooperate with other professionals as appropriate in the best interests of the athlete.
Public Comment
ASI Instructors are to ensure that when publishing articles or comments, that it is clear whether they are representing the profession or whether they are making personal comment.
Working Relationships
ASI Instructors shall:
Respect the needs, traditions, practices, special competencies and responsibilities of their own and other professions, as well as those of the institutions and agencies that constitute their working environment.
Conflict of Interest
ASI Instructors should:
be conscious of any conflict or potential conflict of interest, openly disclose any such conflict and offer to remove themselves when a conflict arises.
Disclose to clients and sponsor(s) all anticipated financial payment or compensation from third parties for referrals of clients or payments to receive clients.
Honour an equitable coach/client relationship regardless of the form of compensation.
Professional Standards
Professional Development
All ASI instructors have an individual responsibility to maintain their own level of professional competence and each of them must strive to improve and update knowledge and skills. ASI Instructors, as members of the profession, shall promote industry best practice and where appropriate, contribute to research and development.
ASI Instructors have a responsibility to contribute to the continuing development of the profession by critical evaluation of professional practice, research, apprenticeships, continuing education and membership of the professional association.
ASI Instructors must acknowledge the boundaries of their competence. They shall provide services and use interventions for which they are qualified by training and experience.
Criminal Conviction
Any conviction of ASI Instructors by a court of law could have an adverse effect on the profession. Cases of a minor personal nature are unlikely to be regarded as a breach of this, but all reported cases will be considered. Members of ASI must report any alleged criminal offence to ASI Head Office at the earliest opportunity.
Disciplinary Proceedings by an Employer
A dismissal of an ASI instructor by an employer after disciplinary proceedings would be considered a breach of the ASI code of conduct. Other disciplinary proceedings such as reprimand would not normally be considered a breach of this Code unless there are grounds for a serious complaint.
Personal Misconduct
Any ASI Coach operating outside of ASI policy and procedures will result in disciplinary action, including having their accreditation status removed.
Other areas for disciplinary action include such things as:
Personal misconduct - e.g. Lack of application, unexplained absences, damage to property and equipment.
Gross misconduct – e.g. Theft, falsification of records, breach of confidentiality, use of alcohol in the workplace, dishonesty, violence, sexual harassment, indecency, child abuse.
Breach of Standards
All ASI instructors must understand the repercussions if there is a breach, or they are aware of any breaches of this Code.
Complaints Procedure
Complaints may be made against an ASI instructor, within the context of this Code.
Complaints are firstly made to the employer.
Where no satisfaction is gained, complaints may be made to ASI Head Office. All complaints are treated seriously and actioned in accordance with ASI complaints and handling policy.
Complaints in relation to abuse of children should be referred to the Police and Social Services.