Course Overview
Treinadores De Surfing Grau 1
enrol optionsThe Treinadores De Surfing Grau 1 course is the essential first step to becoming a certified surfing instructor in Portugal. This program is the only one approved by the IPDJ (Institute of Sport) and is required for anyone seeking to work as a surf instructor in the country.
ASI is the only international training organization recognized by the IPDJ. The course features an intensive format, specially developed by ASI, combining 36 hours of online learning at your own pace with a 6-day in-person workshop. Our experienced trainers, have extensive experience in the surf industry and offer a wealth of information and tips.
Upon completing the workshop, you'll be ready to start your internship, allowing you to earn money while gaining valuable experience.
Ensine aulas e atividades de surf para principiantes.
Teach surf lessons and activities for beginners.
Locations / Remit
Locais de surf de nível iniciante: surf não maior que 1½ pés (½ metro).
Beginner level surf locations: surf no larger than 1½ft (½ metre).
Career Outcomes
Trabalhar em Portugal as Treinadores de Surfing.
To work in Portugal as a Surfing Instructor.
Topics Covered
Teoria e Metodologia do Treino Desportivo / Sports Training Theory & Methodology 12H
Pedagogia e Didática do Desporto Sports Psychology 15H
Funcionamento do Corpo Humano, Primeiros Socorros e Antidopagem / Human Body Functioning, Basic First Aid & Anti-doping 5H
Desporto Adaptado / Adaptive Sports 2H
Ética no Desporto / Sports Ethics 2H
Horas Totais / Total Hours: 36 H
Organização E Regulamentação / Organization & Regulation 3H
Arbitragem / Surf Judging 2H
Material Técnico / Technical Material 2H
Locais De Prática / Locations 2H
Segurança / Surf Rescue 8H
Didática Especifica/ Training Specifics 18H
Metodologia Do Treino Especifica / Training Methodologies 7H
Horas Totais / Total Hours: 42H
6 meses / 6 months: 550H (project plus 120 contact hours)
Entry Requirements
O curso estará aberto a todas as pessoas que cumpram com os pré-requisitos listados abaixo.
The course will be open to all people who meet the prerequisites listed below.
São PRÉ-REQUISITOS GERAIS de acesso ao Cursos de Treinadores de Surfing Grau I os seguintes:
Idade mínima 18 anos (à data da emissão do Diploma de Qualificações).
Escolaridade mínima obrigatória à data de emissão do Diploma de Qualificações
4.º ano de escolaridade. Para candidatos nascidos até 31/12/1966.
6.º ano de escolaridade. Para candidatos nascidos entre 01/01/1967 e 31/12/1980
9.º ano de escolaridade. Para candidatos nascidos entre 01/01/1981 e 31/12/2002
12.º ano de escolaridade. Para candidatos nascidos a partir de 01/01/2003 ou que se inscreveram no ano letivo de 2009/10, no 1º e 2º ciclo, ou no 7º ano de escolaridade.
The following are prerequisites for access to the Grade I Surfing Coaching Courses:
Minimum age 18 years (at the date of issuance of the Qualifications Diploma).
Minimum compulsory education at the date of issuance of the Qualifications Diploma:
4th grade. For candidates born until 12/31/1966.
6th grade. For candidates born between 01/01/1967 and 12/31/1980
9th grade. For candidates born between 01/01/1981 and 12/31/2002
12th grade. or applicants born from 01/01/2003 or who enrolled in the 2009/10 school year, the 1st and 2nd cycle, or the 7th grade.
Realização de prova composta pelos seguintes elementos técnicos:
Ponto de partida na praia;
Sem prancha e com barbatanas ou com uma prancha à escolha;
Deslocamento controlado na água, respeitando as correntes, passar a rebentação até chegar ao line-up;
Entrada controlada na onda (0,5 a 1m), com potencial e a rebentar;
Deslizar para a direita ou para a esquerda, descendo e subindo a onda e executando no mínimo duas manobras - bottom turn, top turn or cutback
Terminar a viagem na onda, voluntaria e controladamente;
Regressar à praia.
Examination consisting of the following technical elements:
Negotiate waves at least 0.5 metre to 1 metres, using duck dive
Choosing correct waves to ride
Trim right and left, and perform at least two manoeuvres - bottom turn, top turn or cutback demonstrating control and linking manoeuvres
Exit the wave safety with correct technique
Return to shore
Os horários detalhados serão divulgados após o fecho das inscrições.
A participação nas sessões que integram o curso de formação, é obrigatória para todos os candidatos, pelo que qualquer falta injustificada é motivo suficiente para a eliminação automática do candidato.
A existência de situações verdadeiramente especiais que possam levar o candidato a ter de se ausentar durante algum tempo, terão de ser apresentadas por escrito ao Diretor do Curso.
Os candidatos que, reunindo as condições de acesso acima definidas, comprovem terem adquirido as competências inerentes a uma das componentes de formação do curso, são dispensados da frequência da referida componente de formação, bem como do respetivo processo de avaliação. Esta comprovação deverá de ser feita através da apresentação de um dos seguintes documentos: Diploma de Qualificação, Certificado de Qualificação, Certificado de Reconhecimento de Competências.
Detailed times will be announced after registration closes.
Participation in the training course sessions is mandatory for all applicants, so any unjustified absence is sufficient reason for the candidate to be automatically eliminated.
The existence of truly special situations that may lead to the candidate having to be absent for some time will have to be presented in writing to the Course Director.
Candidates who, by meeting the conditions of access defined above, prove that they have acquired the skills inherent in one of the training components of the course, are exempted from the attendance of that training component, as well as the respective evaluation process. This proof must be provided by presenting one of the following documents: Qualification Diploma, Certificate of Qualification, Certificate of Recognition of Competences.
Course Requirements
O Curso de Treinadores de Surfing Grau I é constituído por três componentes:
1. Formação Geral
2. Formação Específica
3. Formação Prática (Estágio)
The Portuguese Level I Surfing Instructor Course consists of three components:
1. General Formation
2. Specific Training
3. Practical Training (Internship)
1. Formação Geral
Os módulos da componente geral serão completados por ensino à distância.
A avaliação final será feita presencialmente através de teste escrito.
Horas de contacto de Ensino à distância: 36 horas
Avaliações online via Ensino à distância: 10 horas
Avaliação final presencial: 2 horas
1. General Formation
The modules of the general component will be completed by distance learning, in your own time.
The final evaluation will be done in person through written test.
Distance learning contact hours: 36 hours
Online reviews via Distance learning: 10 hours
Final assessment: 2 hours
2. Formação Específica
As 42 horas de formação específica serão completadas ao longo de 6 dias consecutivos na sala de formação ASI incluindo ainda sessões práticas realizadas nas praias locais e em piscina.
Avaliações finais presenciais: 15 horas
2. Specific Training
The 42 hours of dedicated training will be completed over 6 consecutive days at the ASI training room and will include hands-on sessions at the local beaches and pool.
Final assessments: 15 hours
3. Formação Prática (Estágio)
Depois de completar com sucesso as componentes geral e específica, o participante completará as horas práticas de experiência.
Deverão ser completadas 550 horas de estágio, project e 120 horas devem ser de contacto (aulas).
O Estágio tem duração mínima de 6 meses.
O aluno será inserido numa escola/clube de surf e deverá ser orientado por um treinador com Cédula IPDJ Surf Grau II (tutor).
After successfully completing the general and specific components, the participant will complete practical experience hours.
550 hours of internship must be completed, project and 120 hours must be contact hours (classes).
The internship has a minimum duration of 6 months.
The student will be placed in a surf school/club and must be guided by a coach with an IPDJ Surf Grade II License (tutor).
What We Provide
Manuais de treinamento para instrutores
Plataforma de e-learning
ASI Tshirt
Instructor Training Manuals
E-learning platform
ASI Tshirt
Certificate Issued
Diploma de Qualificacao Treinador Surf Grau 1
IPDJ Approved. (no expiry date)
Other Certifications
The Grau 1 Treinadores de Surfing is only recognised in Portugal. If you are travelling to other countries like Australia, you can gain your ASI International certification.
ASI Surf Safety Water Rescue certificate
Valid for 2 years.
Additional course requirements: submit a current senior first aid certificate.
No extra fee.
ASI Level 1 Surfing Instructor certificate
Valid for 12 months.
Small additional fee applies.
Additional course requirements:
Submit a current senior first aid certificate. Accepted First Aid Certificates
Submit video demonstrating ability to surf at the ASI Level 6 intermediate surfer level.
You need to renew your IPDJ Treinador De Desporto Surfing Grau I certification every three years. This renewal process is handled directly through the IPDJ. To renew, you'll be required to complete 3 units of credits (15 hours) of IPDJ-approved short training courses. ASI offers these short courses.
What is The Process from Start to Finish?
Enrol into course: Treinadores de Surfing Grau 1.
Complete the general component. Online learning and multi-choice tests, in your own time (approx 36 hrs). You must finish prior to attending the workshop.
Specific component. Attend the workshop - 6 days. Complete assessments/written test.
After the workshop, you can start your internship. (Receive the ASI internship certificate to allow you to do paid work).
Complete the internship (6 months, with at least 120 contact hours) and submit your project.
Receive: ASI Diploma de Qualificacao Treinador Surf Grau 1.
Submit your ASI Diploma to IPDJ to obtain: IPDJ Treinador De Desporto Surfing Grau I.
I Don’t Speak Portuguese, can I Enrol in the Course?
Yes you can. English version manuals are available.
When Can I Start the Online Learning?
We give you access to the online learning as soon as you make the payment. That means you can start your learning straight away.
Can you Help me Find a Surf School to do my Internship?
Yes. We can help find you a surf school and/or tutor.
Do you have payment options ?
Yes, we provide an early bird special fee if you make your payment within 4 weeks of the workshop date. You can also opt for instalment payments. We accept credit card, bank transfer and MBWay. For more information regarding payment options, find enrolment option - dates/location that suits.