Level 9 Advanced Level Surfer
The Level 9 Advanced level surfer is able to perform advanced level manoeuvres with control and safety.
The below knowledge and skills is the minimum requirement to be an ASI Level 3 Surfing Coach
At this level you will learn how to perform manoeuvres with speed and power, how to perform tube rides, backdoor tube rides and link manoeuvres with speed and power.
Ability to select appropriate, makeable wave and ride the wave effectively, demonstrating control and performing and linking advanced level 9 manoeuvres (late take-off, bottom turn, top turn, cut-back, roundhouse cutback, re-entry vertical re-entry, floater) with speed and power. Riding a fibreglass shortboard.
Locations and Conditions
Beach break, point break, reef break, river mouth break
Wave height above 3ft (1 metre) –up to 6ft (3 metres)
Open face peeling waves
peaking left or right
Rips present
Wind speed less than 35 kilometres per hour (approx. 20 miles per hour)
Free from hazards such as marine creatures, pollution, etc.
Fibreglass surfboard and leg-rope (leash)
Reef booties (if surfing over reef)
Knowledge & Skills
Surfing Safety
Able to swim 200 metres
Able to tread water for 5 minutes
Surfing Environment
Predict surf conditions at different surf breaks taking - weather, tide, and land formations into consideration
Identify hazards at surfing at the advanced level
Select a surfing location for the advanced level surfer
Identify the specifications to customise surfboards to suit your style and prevailing surf conditions
Surfing Skills
Negotiate advanced level waves
Identify different types of take-offs
Identify techniques to control the surfboard and set up for maneouvres
Perform Advanced Level Surfing Manoeuvres
Roundhouse cut-back (forehand & backhand)
Snap (forehand & backhand)
Vertical re-entry (forehand & backhand)
Floater (forehand & backhand)
Late take-off
Tube ride
Backdoor tube
Describe How to Perform the below Advanced Level Surfing Manoeuvres
360 degree
Perform Intermediate Level Surfing Manoeuvres
Trim (forehand & backhand)
Bottom turn (forehand & backhand)
Top turn (forehand & backhand)
Cut-back (forehand & backhand)
Linking above manoeuvres with speed and power.
Tube Ride