How Surfing Mental Therapy is providing Amazing Results
Posted: 21 April 2018

AUSTRALIA. SYDNEY. Waves of Wellness (WOW) Foundation, an Australian based entity, is leading the way in mental therapy through surfing, and achieving amazing results.
It all started with “One Wave is all it Takes” a group formed at Bondi Beach Sydney Australia, in 2013, by local Bondi boy, Grant Trebilco, who suffered from mental illness. The ocean and surfing was Grant’s saviour when he was released from hospital. He discovered that one wave is all it takes to see him through the rough times. He decided to dress up in bright colours and surf and others soon wanted to join in which lead to “Fluro Fridays’ and now with fluro activities conducted at 50 beaches around Australia.
Joel Pilgrim, former OneWave Mental Health Manager, and a small team decided to set up WOW - - a foundation and charity, to support surfing mental health initiatives such as One Wave.
WOW has also created specially designed surfing programs to support those who are struggling with their wellness or mental health issues. It was designed to offer a mental health service to individuals who enjoy being outside and close to the ocean, but don’t always have the ability to access it.
The WOW Foundation is the vehicle that allows organisations or individuals offering surf therapy to affiliate with them, and provides a worldwide governing body for all forms of surfing therapy.
WOW can accept donations, receive government funding and they also liaise with government departments.
WOW is based at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia, and Joel Pilgrim leads WOW nationally with his team of professionals and with surf therapy programs delivered at various locations around Australia. Surf therapy organisations outside Australia are also coming on board.
WOW holds the status of ASI Accredited Surf School, and abides by the high international standards for surf school operators. All WOW instructors are qualified ASI surfing instructors, as well as trained mental health professionals (psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, and mental health nurses). Staff have also completed specialised mental health training such as mental health first aid, suicide prevention courses, and wellbeing workshops.
The approach to surfing with participants is very different, providing them with skills to promote overall health and wellness. At WOW, surf therapy instructors focus on surfing skill development but also on the importance of having fun in the water.
Programs are provided for all ages ranging from youth, to adults, across not only mental health and wellbeing, but also veterans and emergency services personnel experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
WOW provides 6 and 8-week surf therapy programs. Each session has up to 10 participants, 2 facilitators, and runs for a duration of 2 hours. The first 30 minutes involves an “expression session” where WOW staff facilitate a wellness discussion with the group. Following this, participants receive a 1.5-hour surf experience tailored to their ability, whereby the weekly mental health concepts are put into practice.
After completing the WOW program, individuals are encouraged to continue to surf through links with local surf schools, come back as volunteers, and support others in their wellness and learn to surf experience.
The feedback from participants of how the program has impacted their mental health is extremely positive, with participants saying:
“The program allows me to be myself”
“It’s changed my life”
“I now feel I have something to live for”
“I’m no longer afraid of meeting new people”
Congratulations to Joel and the team at WOW, for their vision and commitment. It’s taken them a while to get the structure in place and ASI is proud to be supporting WOW all the way ! Any of you that surf, know how soothing the ocean, salt and water activities can be.
You can be involved with WOW as a volunteer, make a donation, help with fundraising or attend WOW events.
Are you providing surf therapy sessions? Contact WOW to join up with them.
Email Joel at:
About ASI
ASI is a professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.
We set the standards for education, accreditation, professional development and ongoing support for our members, offering pathways from entry level to elite level.
International Instructor and Coach Accreditation. You can travel the world with ASI.
ASI Accredited Schools abide by the high international standards for operations, training and safety.