How Yoga Enhances Surfing Performance
Posted: 9 March 2022

Have you incorporated yoga into your surfing training regimen yet?
If not, it’s never too late to start, and here are a few reasons why embracing a little yoga will elevate your surfing. And hey, if that doesn’t convince you perhaps this will…the legendary surfer, Gerry Lopez does it.
Yoga comes in a wide variety of shapes and poses, many of which will test your ability to balance. Surfing naturally requires a degree of balance, and therefore we have a happy marriage of two elements pulling in the same direction. What yoga offers the surfer in terms of improved balance, spatial awareness and body control will pay huge rewards out in the waves.
Being in the Moment
We often hear how people in today’s world rarely live in the moment they are present in. Instead, the mind will consider events of the past and ruminate over them, or ponder what lies ahead in the immediate future or far beyond. The meditative effect of yoga can enable a person to live in the moment. It can help them be present in their own life as it unfolds in untold moments. Surfing already has its own meditative gifts that can snap a person into every joyful second of a spitting wave or a dipping sun, but with further training of the mind via yoga, we can truly embrace life as it was meant to be experienced, in the now.
The surfer who has flexibility on their side is the surfer who can reach their potential. Whether naturally via the aging process, or brought on by injury, flexibility wanes over time. However, yoga is the perfect remedy to restore range of movement. Holding the varied yoga poses stretches those muscles and reminds them what they used to be able to do. This in turn translates to the surfer feeling rejuvenated in the water as moves that once made backs call out in pain, now sing like the birds in the trees.
Strength and Stability
Yoga improves strength and stability. Importantly, yoga improves core strength and stability. These two factors for the surfer, are paramount. Sure, a strong paddle is great, and sturdy legs play a role, but core strength and stability will determine every single wave. The ability to generate power and cut turns flows through the core. Solid through the centre means less chance of back pain, better pop-ups and an all-round more flowing surfing style.
As we can see, yoga can play as a force for good in the life of a surfer. It can sharpen the mind and body, whilst also allowing for control and a life lived in the moment. Surfing has long been considered a spiritual experience, and yoga seems the perfect accompaniment.
Four Yoga Poses For Surfing
Lotus Pose
The Lotus Pose is primed to calm the mind and find meditative peace. However, it will also open up the hips whilst stretching the ankles and knees. The lotus pose also aids posture and plays into strengthening core stability.
Downward-Facing Dog
This well-known pose will stretch the shoulders and lengthen the hamstrings and calves. It will strengthen the upper-body, and stretch the back, and also challenge you to find your centre of balance.
Warrior I Pose
The Warrior I Pose strengthens shoulders, arms, legs and back. It again aids core stability and challenges balance, whilst also improving focus.
Warrior II Pose
The Warrior II Pose aids circulation and respiration and also stretches the hip, shoulders and groin. As a pose it seems to almost lend itself to surfing and happily is a good aid for balance and stability, both vital ingredients of good surfing.
Yoga is a wide and varied realm where the options are vast for those keen to introduce some yoga into their surfing training. With so much available, it is recommended that you find the best fit for your own needs and go from there. Be patient, enjoy the experience, and ultimately prolong your surfing life and surfing love.
Finally, as you already have a love of the ocean, perhaps consider the combination of yoga and SUP by finding one of our ASI SUP schools who specialise in SUP Yoga. Find the yoga school for you right here.