Instructor Story: Austin Ware
Posted: 8 January 2021

AUSTRALIA. Austin Ware, an ASI surfing instructor and and mental health worker. He holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and is an elite and previous competition surfer. He now combines his passion for surfing and mental health by delivering surfing programs in the mental health area for the Waves of Wellness foundation.
What is your background?
I grew up in San Diego, California however I now reside in Manly, Australia.
I have dedicated my life to surfing from being a professional athlete competing at the highest level for twelve years and then surf coaching for the last 10 years. Recently I have linked my passion for surfing with psychology combining the job of surf instructor with mental health facilitator through the Waves of Wellness (WOW) program. We deliver mental health programs through surf therapy.
What got you involved in the sport?
My dad introduced me to the ocean at the age of 10 but I started off being scared of the waves. A few years later he tried again with a few friends. I remember the first wave that sparked my surf passion; my dad pushed me into a sucky and ‘shorebreaky’ wave, as I got up to my feet I noticed the nose of the board was going underwater and I wiped out! Unexpectedly, I came up with sand in my hair and a smile on my face wanting more!
Why did you become an ASI instructor?
The WOW team highly recommend the ASI program and it is important for me to be accredited by an internationally recognized organisation.
What do you like about being an ASI instructor?
The ASI course is very thorough on safety procedures and delivering strategies for lessons in a variety of surf conditions.
How has COVID changed where or how you deliver sessions.
During the toughest restrictions, our WOW programs were delivered online with mental health group chats and fun house surf activities with the participants. Now that the restrictions have lessened we are back on the beach and in the water.
Tell us a funny or interesting story that has happened to you whilst instructing?
On rainy days, we build a fort out of the foamie boards, not only creating a sheltered place to chat on the beach but also bonding the group in a safe space.
Thanks for your time and words, Austin. To find out more about the WOW Foundation, check out their ASI page and their website for more information.
About ASI
ASI is a professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.
We set the standards for education, accreditation, professional development and ongoing support for our members, offering pathways from entry level to elite level.
International Instructor and Coach Accreditation. You can travel the world with ASI.
ASI Accredited Schools abide by the high international standards for operations, training and safety.