Introducing ASI SUP Instructor - Nur Suhardi Mohamed
Posted: 12 August 2020

SINGAPORE. Nur Suhardi Bin Mohamed is an ASI Level 2 SUP Instructor based in Singapore. He was an ex national bodybuilder during his teens who has done the country proud. Hardi is also an avid triathlete and dragon boater who has competed in several events. He currently teaches SUP at his own school in Singapore.
1. What is your background?
I’m a coach certified by:
1. Sports Singapore
2. American College of Sports Medicine
3. Federation of International Sports Aerobics & Fitness
4. Academy of Surfing Instructors (SUP)
5. CrossFit Level 1
6. Animal Flow Level 1
My Achievements:
1997-2000- Bodybuilder (Singapore National Team)
2000 - Tug Of War (Police National Team)
2001-2002 - Dragonboat (Police Team)
2010- Tour de Bintan (Cycling)
2013 - IRONMAN Busselton
2013 - IRONMAN Cairns
2014 - POWERMAN Duathlon (Port Dickson)
2014 - POWERMAN Duathlon (Putrajaya)
2016 - IRONMAN 70.3 Busselton
2016 - IRONMAN 70.3 Gurye, S.Korea
2017 - IRONMAN 70.3 Busselton
2017 - Dragonboat Sprint
2017 - AustChamp 10km Dragonboat Marathon
2018 - SUP Race Perth
2018 - SUP Race Lake Biwa, Japan
2. What got you involved in the sport?
SUP gave the opportunity to have a feel of a gym on water. Plus, it has cardio endurance which is similar to on land training workouts.
3. Why did you become an ASI instructor?
To continue to share my experience and knowledge to the community.
4. What are you doing now?
To spread and widen my coaching knowledge to the community, I set up my own company, Team INFORMA. Our activities include:
• Fitness
• CrossFit
• Animal Flow Movement
5. What do you like about being an ASI instructor?
I’m able to share to wide diversity of age group. It has made each lesson different and fun.
6. Tell us about funny or interesting or nice situation that has happened to you with instructing?
Every session is always interesting for me. But the most interesting or funny moments will be coaching the beginners. It will be a flashback during the time when I was still learning. The fall on the water, the trembling legs on the boards, the laughter and many more. Beginner session never fail to bring a smile to my face.
About ASI
ASI is a professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.
We set the standards for education, accreditation, professional development and ongoing support for our members, offering pathways from entry level to elite level.
International Instructor and Coach Accreditation. You can travel the world with ASI.
ASI Accredited Schools abide by the high international standards for operations, training and safety.
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