Introducing ASI Surf Instructor Leigh Smith, Australia
Posted: 24 May 2022

Australia. Meet Leigh Smith an ASI Surf Instructor in Australia.
After completing his degree in Psychological Science, he realised that he had no desire to go into the clinical space. Instead found a role at a mental health and surf therapy charity, that lead to him becoming an ASI surfing instructor, and helping people with mental health issues. We asked Leigh some questions to find out more out his journey as an ASI surfing instructor…
What is your background?
I have a pretty eclectic background. I've taught English in Korea, had a brief stint in the Army as a troop commander and worked as an indoor skydiving instructor in a vertical wind tunnel in Perth. I've also done some work as a session musician and been fortunate enough to play at a couple of festivals.
What got you involved in the sport?
My dad and my Uncle both surf and they'd push me into waves as a kid. They still both surf now in their 60's. I was lucky that as a teenager we moved close to great surf, Dad used to have to commute at least an hour each way to work everyday and I'm pretty sure he did so we could be closer to the ocean. I hope I can instill the same love and respect of the ocean to my daughter.
At one point in my twenties I fell into a dark place mentally and spiritually, the ocean became a place of refuge and solace. The connection I have now with surfing is deeper then ever, I guess more akin to how people appreciate music and art (although I love watching professional surfing as well). I'm often left hypnotised watching empty clean barreling waves.
Why did you become an ASI instructor?
I got my surf instructor rating with ASI for my role with Waves of Wellness (WOW) it's a mental health charity that incorporates surfing. After getting a degree in Psychological Science I realised I had no real desire to go into the clinical space, fortunately I came across this role. Doing the surf instructor course appealed to me way more than postgraduate study !!
What are you doing now?
I worked at WOW for a while and I'll never forget my time there. I met some people I hold very dear to my heart. All things must pass however and I'm moving on in my own quest for bigger emptier waves. One day I'd like to run a surf camp at a beautiful break south of the mainland, I'm gonna keep the location quiet for now though :).
What do you like about being an ASI instructor?
I like that I get to work without having to wear shoes ha ha ! Seriously though I'm incredibly grateful to teach and share surfing with others. It's a different form of bliss and flow of riding waves but deeply satisfying in a totally different way. I look forward to the opportunity to share this with other people, cultures and oceans.
Tell us about a funny or interesting or nice situation that has happened to you with instructing?
When I started instructing it was during the Whale migration along the east coast. We had a number of dolphin visitors which is always nice. One particular day though a humpback whale came in quite close to the sandbar and I swear it was waving to us. One student did mention he was a bit of a whale whisperer.
A huge thank you to Leigh for taking the time to give us some insight into life as an ASI Surfing Instructor.
If you fancy becoming an ASI Surfing Instructor like Leigh then click here to find out how to get started and make your dream job a reality!