Introducing ASI Surfing Instructor: Sofie Knapen, Belgium
Posted: 15 March 2021

BELGIUM: Sofie Knapen is an ASI surf instructor from Belgium who changed her life by pivoting from an engineering role in the construction industry to an ASI surfing instructor who also travels the world helping those less fortunate with Doctors Without Borders.
We caught up with Sofie to find out more about how she got there:
Hi Sofie; tell us a bit about your background
“I’m Belgian, studied constructional engineering and worked for general contractors on construction sites for quite a while, until I thought it was time for a change and start a second life.
“I think if I had known before what all the possibilities were, I probably would’ve chosen to study sports. When I left the construction world behind, I started working in travel & tourism, worked a season as a trip leader on biking trips, and when I ended my season in Portugal, I went down to Sagres where I’d been going for surfing holidays for a long time already. I realised then that the ocean always kept on calling me and that I wanted to take my surfing more seriously, so at the start of the next season I returned to Sagres, and spent the next few seasons there.
“As I like to keep some variety in my life, and an open mind, I got involved with Doctors Without Borders as well, and try to do projects with them once in a while in between the surfing seasons.”
How did you get started in surfing?
“I have always enjoyed sports that give you a bit of adrenaline, I have been doing gymnastics since I was a kid, and started skiing when I was 7, which I switched for snowboarding some years later.
“The very first time that I got the opportunity to learn how to surf, I guess that sensation you get when you feel the power of the waves is what got me hooked. It took me quite a while before I was able to turn it into a lifestyle though.”
Why did you become an ASI qualified surf instructor?
“I thought it would be great to make the beach my office and share with others something I’m passionate about in the first place. I also happened to be in Sagres, Portugal at the time I decided that I was ready to become an instructor, and ASI was offering a very interesting program, in combination with the IPDJ, that took place in Sagres a few months later.”
What are you doing right now?
“At this very moment, I’m in Congo on a project with Doctors Without Borders for a few months, as I also feel that I should once in a while give something back to the less privileged. The plan is definitely to return to the ocean afterwards!”
What do you love about being an ASI surf instructor?
“I think ASI offers high-quality courses, and of course the fact that you get internationally recognised as a qualified instructor is a true asset for a surfer who likes to explore the world.”
How has COVID and related restrictions changed how you operate?
“As I was only about to start, I still needed to get all my hours of internship done, when COVID started (March 2020), the school where I had planned to do my internship didn’t have a job for me anymore, but it also broadened my world, because it obliged me to look further and explore other and new opportunities, which was definitely enriching in many ways!”
Can you tell us about any memorable stories or situations that have happened whilst instructing?
“I got the opportunity to work with a kids’ club last summer, which I really loved! Kids challenge you in different ways and are such a great source of energy!”
Thanks so much for taking the time to give us some insight into your surfing life and recent experiences, Sofie. We wish you all the positive waves as you ride into 2021!
If you fancy becoming an ASI surf instructor like Sofie then click here to find out how to get started and make your dream job a reality!
About ASI
ASI is a professional membership and training organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.
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