Introducing ASI Surfing Instructor, Wayan Budiarsa
Posted: 28 February 2020

BALI. Introducing ASI Surfing Instructor Wayan Budiarsa. Wayan grew up near a beach in Kendungu on the west coast of Bali. He came from a farming background but his passion for surfing led him to being a surfing instructor. He is currently instructing at a school in Kendungu.
1. What is your background?
I was born and raised near the beach in Kedungu, the west coast of Bali. My family didn’t surf but did farming instead.
2. What got you involved in the sport?
Started surfing when I was 12 years old. When I was a child the people from the village went surfing, so it was kinda normal for me to do it as well, I loved it from the start. Whilst some people stopped when they got a bit older, I kept on going because the hobby/ sport stayed fascinating to me.
3. Why did you become an ASI instructor?
Because I liked the sport and because I was getting pretty good at it. I started teaching other people how to surf and after some time I realised that this, surf instructor job, could be my future job. So therefore, I took the ASI course to become a certificated surf instructor.
4. What are you doing now?
I’m working as a surf coach/ instructor in Kedungu. I teach beginners and intermediate and then I do surf guiding for advanced surfers.
5. What do you like about being an ASI instructor?
I’m feel more confident in teaching now I have the certification. The education from ASI gives me a feeling of being professional. For my students it makes them feel safe around me knowing I have qualifications.
6. Tell us about funny or interesting or nice situation that has happened to you with instructing?
One time I taught a girl, who couldn’t swim, how to surf. She managed to stand up but when she fell in, she grabbed her board hard to stay over water. Even if you struggle with swimming there are still way you can still go have fun safely in the ocean.
About ASI
ASI is a professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.
We set the standards for education, accreditation, professional development and ongoing support for our members, offering pathways from entry level to elite level.
International Instructor and Coach Accreditation. You can travel the world with ASI.
ASI Accredited Schools abide by the high international standards for operations, training and safety.
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