Introducing Dave Pegg, My Path to ASI Surfing Coaching. UK
Posted: 24 June 2018

South coast Devon, U.K. Bigbury Bay. Overcast …..and it's early.
Maybe too early for a Sunday!
The coffee shop has yet to lift its shutters and they rattle in defiance of the persistent Westerly. The morning swell is a lively, short period offering. Experience tells me that we will find a sheltered wave on the causeway with the rising tide.
It's the occasion of the first session of a six week surfing therapy course with 'The Wave Project' charity. Myself and a dozen or so volunteers are awaiting the arrival of our young charges. I'm anticipating the as yet unknown; the potential for anxiety, fear, self-limiting mindsets and low self-esteem. On any other morning these thoughts might have seemed like a negative head space to start the day with but not today.
Having been a volunteer mentor now for a year or so I know that I have a friend who can help and that together we have a potent remedy to hand. The prescription?
Simply salt water, smiles and surfboards.
My friend the ocean has taught me many lessons over my five decades including
respect for its obvious power and enjoyment of its natural beauty. I know that today it will reveal a more subtle and elemental power; the power to facilitate change and growth. As I prepare to witness this power begin to shape our clients journey little do I know that a new personal journey begins for me path to ASI Surf Coach.
The surfing therapy course progresses and our ASI instructors from Discovery Surf School patiently impart 'the knowledge'. There is an inevitability about the way our trainees respond; fear becomes determination, exhaustion morphs into exhilaration and
'the stoke' prevails! To take clients from timid, non-surfer and impart the skill set that will allow them to experience the inexplicable joy of sliding down the face of a wave feels like a privilege.
In-water coaching points are my favourite way to help our young 'surfers' emerge, combined with fun. Always fun. I recall one client who frequently insisted on 'surfing' me as I lay on the sea bed with a big breath hold! That mutual trust essential in building confidence.
As a volunteer surf mentor, I witnessed the combined therapeutic power of the ocean and the sport of surfing in facilitating emotional and personal growth, promoting healing and improving health. The alchemy of turning salt water into self-esteem.
Today, as a recently qualified Surf Coach, I continue to conjure thanks to The Wave Project, the ocean and the ASI.
About ASI
ASI is a professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools in the outdoor recreation industry for surfing, stand up paddle and bodyboarding.
We set the standards for education, accreditation, professional development and ongoing support for our members, offering pathways from entry level to elite level.
International Instructor and Coach Accreditation. You can travel the world with ASI.
ASI Accredited Schools abide by the high international standards for operations, training and safety.