Surfing Tradition Lives On - Old Mal Australia
Posted: 20 August 2022

AUSTRALIA Old Mal Australia (OMA) is a Fraternity of Surfers that own and enjoy Classic Surf Craft and also Timber Surf Board Enthusiast. They are not a club as such but more a group of like-minded people. If you own, restore, beg borrow or acquire Classic Surf Craft then you are part of this group.
There is a non monetary system to OMA which keeps the whole system pure. They survive on passion for the love of surfing Classic Surf Craft.
The pinnacle event for the year is the Old Mal National Titles at Crescent Head, NSW. It is not only about the surfing and trophy's. The whole weekend is a step back in time with most attendee's dressed in the era clothing, a Show and Shine on Friday Arvo that reveals some very SWEET Old Surf Craft, a swap meet for attendee's and some classic vinyls playing into the sunset.
Over the three days you will witness Toothpicks surfing, the original 14 foot finless Timber Surf Craft competing, these craft take a lot of getting use to so the rider can proficiently surf with control and many other great events and are controlled surfing the Rocker of the craft, rocker from nose to tail and rail to rail.
Crescent Head Mal Club as they have hosted the OMA National Titles since 1998.
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