Student Information and Code of Practice
Student Information and Code of Practice
The Qualification: On successful completion, an Academy of Surfing Instructors (ASI) certificate/s will be issued and valid for the stated period as applicable. In Australia, an Statement of Attainment certificate may be issued depending on the qualification.
Educational Standards: ASI provide for the highest educational and professional standards in Australia for marketing and delivery of vocational education and training services, which safeguard the interests and welfare of students.
Privacy: The information collected in this application is for the purposes of registration and evaluation only and will not be used for any other purposes or disclosed to any other colleges or persons.
Refund Policy: Different refund policies apply depending on the type of training service. More info on refund policies can be found at click here
Access To Records: All student records and documentation will be recorded, and results of assessment kept for a period of 30 years. Examples of student assessments may also be kept. Students are able to access assessment records/results at any time on written request to ASI. Please allow 30 day’s notice for access of records. Proof of identification will be required.
Assessment Procedures: The course is assessed using a mixture of written tests, practical tests and submitting evidence of experience. Your Assessor will advise you when and how to complete assessment work. All assessments must be completed to the satisfaction of the Assessor. Students whose assessments are deemed to not demonstrate competence will have the opportunity to resubmit the work. Assessments are provided in the students Learning Materials. Students with learning difficulties may be assisted within the assessment procedures. Please speak to your Trainer/Assessor.
Attendance: Students may be required to attend training sessions and/or visits. The Trainer/ Assessor will advise the type and scheduling of attendance at training sessions as required.
Assessors: Qualified Assessors are responsible for your assessment. Assessors are required: to be fair and reasonable during assessment, to be familiar with the field, with relevant industry standards and WHS requirements and to be up to date with assessment methods and procedures appropriate for the students and learning environment, to negotiate flexibly with students regarding the type of assessment, taking into account Flexible Delivery, EEO and anti-discrimination principles, and the particular needs and circumstances of students, to advise students regarding RPL/RCC processes, to make proper assessment decisions based on explicit evidence of competency, to expedite assessment and to avoid unnecessary delay, to use cost and time effective methods and materials appropriate to the assessment rigour necessary and level of risk, to consider the authenticity, validity, reliability, relevance to the learning outcomes, currency and variety of assessment evidence, to systematically review the assessment evidence obtained through means such as interview, workplace assessment, and/or performance test.
The person responsible for your assessment will be:
qualified as competent against the Competency Standards for Assessment.
an expert in the skills and knowledge being assessed (or be assisted by someone else who is an expert)
know the competency standards and their assessment requirements for the range of units they are approved to assess
know the current industry
Complaints, Grievances and Appeal Process: If you have a grievance with the ASI or any of the staff or Teaching Facilitator/Assessor, you may lodge a grievance. The process is commenced by completing a Grievance Form, which is obtain from ASI. Students with a grievance related to any aspect of services provided by the ASI are entitled and encouraged to approach their Assessor. An appeal against any decision made by the Assessor is available. If a student does not wish to take up the matter with their Assessor they can directly approach ASI to seek resolution. ASI will also advise of the appropriate action if the student is not satisfied with the outcome.
Disciplinary Regulations: Students are encouraged to comply with all lawful directions issued by their Assessor and with the Policies and Procedures set out in this Student information
Equipment/Facilities: The student is provided with learning manuals/information, RPL guides and assessments. In practical demonstrations students use their own sports equipment and accessories and are to be dressed appropriately. The training venue may include the beach/park/surf/other waterways for practical demonstrations and the classroom for theory learning. Classrooms are conference facilities or educational classrooms. Whiteboards, projectors and video/DVDs, online learning are used where required.
Expectations of Students: Students are expected to act professionally and ethically in relation to their studies. Open and honest feedback is encouraged between the Assessor, ASI and the student. Students must not take the work of others and present it as their own. While co-operative effort and the sharing of information is encouraged, students must ensure that their assignments and assessments are representative of their own effort, knowledge and skills. Failure to do this is known as plagiarism and may result in assessment being deemed to be “not yet competent” by the Assessor.
Fees and Charges: All fees paid in advance are protected by being deposited into a nominated “fees in advance” bank account. All requests for fee refund and transfer to another qualification or service must be made in writing to the ASI.
Flexible Learning: ASI recognises the principles of flexible delivery. Programs are designed to emphasise flexibility of delivery and assessment to maximise the opportunity for access and participation by disadvantaged students. Delivery alternatives may include self-paced learning, distance modes of learning, computer assisted learning, flexible timetabling, face to face lecture/tutorial, individualised learning, on or off the job modes, etc.
Mutual Recognition: “Mutual recognition is a feature of the Australian Quality Training Framework which allows a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) registered in one State or Territory to operate in another State or Territory without a further registration process. Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any RTO are accepted and recognised by all other RTOs.
Provision For Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment: Students needing language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) support are identified on application. In most cases, LLN support can be provided. Where only a low level of support is needed ASI may arrange for the student to receive extra-curricula assistance from the trainer or other staff member. Where extensive support is needed, specialised LLN classes may be set up. This may attract a fee. Where an applicant’s LLN deficiency will clearly inhibit achievement of learning outcomes and the applicant refuses LLN support, enrolment may be declined.
Student Selection, Enrolment And Induction: Students will be selected responsibly and ethically at all times and selection will be consistent with any curriculum requirements. ASI is committed to non-discrimination in any form when selecting and at all times complies with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation. Applicants will be assessed by appropriately qualified staff to determine whether their qualifications and skills are sufficient for program entry and likely to lead to successful achievement of target competencies.
Access and Participation: Selection processes include people from diverse backgrounds, take any special needs of students into account and provide support strategies for disadvantaged students.
Selection Strategy: ASI employs non-discriminatory recruitment practices. Students are selected on the basis of the entry requirements specified in program guidelines.
Selection Process: The entrance requirements have been designed for maximum flexibility. There are no barriers to any specific group or individuals, inclusive of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, political belief, family responsibility, sexuality, social or education background.
Enrolment / Induction / Orientation: Students are required to complete an Enrolment form. When your enrolment form is received, it is assessed and you will be advised of your acceptance or non-acceptance into the qualification. Enrolment is available all year round. Induction and orientation is provided to students at the start of the course.
Admission Refusal: Applicants refused admission to the qualification are able to submit an appeal to that refusal, in writing within 30 days from refusal.
Recognition of Prior Learning / Recognition of Current Competency (RPL/RCC): For RTO Certificates, RPL/RCC is available for all subject units of competency which make up qualification. The units of competency in a qualification are linked to either complete Competency Standards or to Elements of Competency Standards. The performance criteria, which make up each unit of competency, provide the RPL/RCC benchmarks. Students may receive full recognition for the competencies required for a qualification or unit of competency. The students self assesses against learning outcomes and assessment criteria of relevant units of competency. The Assessor advises and assists them to prepare application and documentation to support their self-assessment. If there is sufficient evidence in the RPL/RCC form and supporting documentation, no further assessment may be necessary. If further assessment is required, it may take any practical form consistent with the assessment criteria for the claimed competencies and the principles of validity, reliability, fairness and flexibility. The form of assessment may be negotiated with the student and may consist of interview, written assignment, workplace assessment, exam, or other method depending on the nature of the evidence required. Assessment must be conducted by a qualified assessor or assessment panel. Fees may be charged for the RPL/RCC service. Evidence considered for assessment is the RPL/RCC form plus a wide range of supporting evidence. If further evidence is required then this is negotiated with the student. The process may include a further interview, written assignment, workplace assessment, collection of other material. Successful students are notified promptly of the RPL/RCC outcome. The Assessor advises unsuccessful students of reasons for non-recognition and steps they can take, including remedial training and appeal mechanisms.
Support Services: For students having difficulties with any part of the course, you are able to ask your Assessor for extra assistance. If required, you are also entitled to ring the ASI with any queries relating to the course or any difficulties you may have regarding your participation on the course.
Welfare And Guidance Services: Support is offered for any student showing signs of distress or discomfort. Support may take the form of advice, referral to a counsellor, trainer or other qualified person, depending on the nature of the problem. Where necessary the staff member may assist the student to access external professional assistance. Any fees incurred are the students responsibility.
Code of Practice
Access And Equity: Access and equity policies are incorporated into ASI’s operational procedures. ASI prohibits discrimination towards any group or individuals in any form, inclusive of: gender, pregnancy, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or ethno-religious background, marital status, physical or intellectual or psychiatric disability, or any organism capable of causing disease, homosexuality (male or female, actual or presumed), age (in relation to compulsory retirement), Programs are designed and wherever possible facilities set up to enhance flexibility of delivery in order to maximise the opportunity for access and participation by disadvantaged students.
Compliance With Government Regulation: ASI complies with all relevant local, state and federal government regulations covering this type of college.
Ethics: ASI undertakes to act all times in an ethical manner. All activities of ASI will be carried out honestly, fairly, accurately and so as to give value to our students. We will maintain high standards of financial probity and marketing and advertising integrity. Program delivery will benefit students through high standards of education and training, up to date methods, quality materials and expert staff.
Marketing And Advertising: ASI is committed to integrity, accuracy, and professionalism in marketing activities. The information provided to students will avoid vague or ambiguous statements and false or misleading comparisons with other providers or programs. All marketing and advertising material must be properly authorised and must comply with all relevant legislation.
Workplace Health And Safety (WHS): The safety of staff and students is of primary importance in all activities carried out by ASI. ASI observes all occupational health and safety legislation and copies of where to access the relevant Act are available to staff and students. Trainers must incorporate WHS considerations when planning and delivering training, and students must be advised of the WHS requirements of their programs and supervised accordingly.
Privacy Act & Freedom of Information: ASI abides by the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, and has implemented privacy principles to protect the privacy of students’ information. These principles include: non-disclosure of a student's personal details to any unauthorised person, and non-disclosure of details of training and assessment conducted for any student to any unauthorised person. A consent form for disclosure of information is required to be filled in by the student.